Our Inner Exploration Coaching Services

Embark on a transformative journey with our Inner Exploration Coaching, a unique approach that integrates the profound insights of Human Design. Through self-inquiry exercises, we guide individuals in exploring their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, unveiling the intricacies of their authentic selves. Our assessments serve as a comprehensive roadmap, illuminating personal strengths, uncovering challenges, and pinpointing areas primed for growth and improvement.


At the core of our approach is a commitment to a holistic perspective, integrating components of Human Design healing modalities that honor individual lived experiences. We prioritize safety, choice, and collaboration, fostering an environment conducive to self-discovery and empowerment. lived

In tandem with our philosophy, our assessments are crafted through a healing justice and collective care lens. We firmly believe that genuine healing and growth require addressing the broader social, cultural, and historical influences shaping our experiences. Our assessments facilitate an exploration of how systems of power and oppression have left their imprint on your life, empowering you to develop strategies for resistance and transformation.


Unlock the potential within you and embark on a path of self-discovery that encompasses the profound insights of Human Design and a psychology of liberation. Join us in creating a space where your authentic self can flourish, and true healing is a journey of empowerment and transformation.



This path provides the independence of self-guided exploration while not missing out on receiving professional insights through foundational support.

What Awaits You:

Initial 30-Minute Self-Discovery Session

Self-Inquiry Digital Exercises/Resources

FREE Limited Access To Membership Site



This path is a collective journey that weaves together the power of community and the beauty of self-discovery with professional insight through foundational support.

What Awaits You:

Initial 60-Minute Self-Discovery Session

Group Collective Exploration

Self-Inquiry Digital Exercises/Resources

FREE Limited Access to Membership Site



This path provides professional insights throughout your journey with BI-Weekly one-on-one support, accountability, and feedback.

What Awaits You:

Initial 90-Minute Self-Discovery Session

Individual Exploration Sessions

Self-Inquiry Digital Exercises/Resources

FREE Lifetime All-Access To Membership Site
